Wednesday, February 07, 2007

there is no truth.....

So today in my 'Ministry with the Emerging Generation' class, i had a group presentation using a form of media to discuss spritualailty. We choose a Bright Eyes song. I have been a huge fan of Bright Eyes, since March 2005...i think he is brillant.

Back to the class, the song we used questions life and particularly church. I think the church often make a lot of 'truth statements.' I am sure some think this is vital for the church to do. However, we live in a time when there is no one version of Christianity. We have too many denominations to count. Further for more, I believe that relgions will be evaluated on what they do not what they say. Words are nice, but faith without works is dead. Truth capital "T" does not make one faith or another true.

We live in a pluralistic age, where relgions appear to have less in common then we'd like to make a clear distiction over the 'keepers of truth.' The 'Daily Show' had a hilarious skti a while back where they debated Islam vs. Christianty. Each side would say the same thing about truth statements, where they would use their own texts to prove their relgion to be true. It's funny because of how many arugment have a heard that went 'God is true, because the bible says so and the bible is true because God says so'. Funny to write it out, but so many people argue religons from this point of view.

I think I am still a christian because i have encoutnered God throughout mylife, not because someone says this or that about God.

1 comment:

Joey said...

I like the comment you made that truth needs to be incarnated in community. You said something like that in an e-mail recently and it has stuck with me.