Wednesday, February 07, 2007


A close friend of mine has been having some really good discussion on homosexuality. I think ever since attending at prov this question has been going around my mind. Some conclusion that I have come to:

1. The gay gene hypothesis is not conclusive.
2. Many studies have shown that those who live homosexually are at a greater risk for various diseases or conditions.
3. The church misunderstands the few passages speaking on homosexuality.
4. We really don't understand definitively why people decide on a homosexual relationships.
5. Many people actually leave a gay lifestyle with the help of counselling.
6. The church generally has a hateful attitude towards gays and lesbians.
7. One of Jesus' goals was to deconstruct the purity code of the Pharisees.
8. Often the church resembles the Pharisees on the 'gay issue.'

It is hard to understand the hatred towards gays and lesbians. While, working on the cruise ship I experienced genuine concern and love from gays and lesbians. I think this is hard to come to grasp with how the church wants to portray gays and lesbians as 'weird.' No matter the amount any one is fallen, they are still in relationship with God. God created human as good. This cannot be taken away, creation is first and foremost 'Good'.

My conclusion over thinking about a response to homosexuality is do our best to the way of Jesus is to embrace any and all interested in searching after God in a community of faith. This naturally includes many excluded by the church, not just gays and lesbians. If we believe church is to be transformative communities, I believe we need to change things, and not maintain the status quo of church membership.

1 comment:

Joey said...

Well said Chris. I appreciate the perspective you bring to these kinds of issues...