Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Rap = Rape

In a class at college a prof made the statement 'Rap equals Rape.' At the time I wondered if this was true, as a person who grew up with rap/hip-hop/R&B. I think this statement has stuck with me as I continue to listen to rap, but definitely more aware of the lyrics. I think this is a struggle because I believe some rap/hip-hop is very prophetic, which I hope to blog about in a couple days.

This topic has been creeping into my thoughts with my work at BHF in Selkirk. Most of these boys are indoctrinated in Rap worldview from a very young age, through family members, music, music videos, etc. I think for most of these boys to view women as anything else than a sex-object is long task of reorientation. So this statement is very true, whenever we drive they are compelled to 'holler' at every female that is innocently walking the streets.

In my many talks with the boys about their interactions with females, the truth that glares back at me is that the girls I got to know during adolescents is not the girls these boys know. While their Sex Ed is probably learnt through porn and rap music, this creates a problem for their social interaction with females beyond their limited understanding of females. One boy keeps on sharing a story of how he encountered a married women at a baseball game and from my estimation she was merely being polite. However, this woman's politeness is communicated to the boy as a willingness for sex.

This view naturally leads to my professors statement. Not sure where this rant is going just a few thoughts....

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