Friday, March 09, 2007

The Conversation series....

Well I would say the conversation series was well worth it. I love music and am continually distancing myself from Christian music. It is interesting why we need Christain music in the first place. Obviously it is not to reach others, because how many people know Christian artists outside the church. A reoccurring theme during the conference was that we are of the world, but not in it. Through Andrew Beaujon and Steve Bell it became apparent that the music industry is corrupt, Christian and 'secular.' Beaujon believes that the Christian music industry exists because of money, I would have to agree with him.

First, i will say a sacred/secular divide segregates life into to false categories. An interesting element is how many bands with Christians in them do not want the 'Christian - Band' label. Beaujon encountered this most significantly with Switchfoot. Jamie Howison made numerous interesting points regarding how prior to 1880 that high culture was almost exclusively Christian. Why do we hold up terrible art such as Kincaids lighthouses when we have great artists who identified themselves as Christians such as Van Gough, particularly late in life. What is it about Christian art that runs away from evaluating art as art. As Flannery O'Connor believes we need to see life through Gospel eyes. Steve Bell recognizes the agenda ridden Christian industry, this is sad how a lot of christian messages are agenda ridden.

One of the most frustrating parts of life is the celebrity culture we live in, unfortunately the Christian music industry does the same thing. We have idols in music that we quite frankly worship these artists, which is a dehumanizing act and anti-art. I think Christian book stores cannot be distinguished from chapters, etc. because the same capitalist mentality exists in both, like Beaujon says its all about money.

A frustrating part that was recognized is how there is one Christianity in media. Bell often asks when someone talks about Christianity, which Christianity they are talking about. Christianity is not a monoculture, how can mother Teressa and George Bush belong to the same community of Faith. It is easy to use shallow/hateful Christians as the example of 'all christian' but this is clearly not always the case.

An interesting point was made that we are oral prudes. Why are we up in arms over certain words, but we allow into our lives movies, TV, and video games that are so graphic that the images stay in our mind. We are more comfortable saying Yahweh than fuck. But, to my knowledge Yahweh was never to said it was too powerful/dangerous. It is interesting to see what words a culture deems as curse usually stem from what is untouchable. In mainstream western culture it is body words, but in french culture it deals with religion as swear words. I found that fascinating.

We often talk about discerning pop-culture, but we also need to discern Christian media. Christian music often sound like a teenager heart throbs songs, which is very 'immature' and we wonder why the church does not have deep people, maybe we should look to our music.

Some lasting phrases:

If you want to stop gay marriage keeping driving your SUV's to church

We should stand for the fullness of life for all not salvation of the few.

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