Recently, I view 'Amen' a movie taking place in Nazi Germany. It revolves around a Christian officer in the SS. Who once realizing what is really going on tries with all his might to make the church aware of the atrocities. Sadly, the only one who listen is a jesuit priest. The interesting part of the movie is what happens when the Kingdom of God collides with the rest of life. As I have beening further reading 'Emerging Churches' the idea of kingdom living is constant. A lot of the time I have no idea what kingdom means for these leaders. I've read a lot on how we live in a world that is at odds with the kingdom of God. Derek Webb has a brillant song on his latest CD that delves into this dillema. I think kingdom living is very important, do we realize when the gospel is put in a straighjacket due to cultural norms. I think that is what happened in Nazi Germany. Maybe my question is do we have a confessing church to turn to or has the church assimilated itself so much to culture that this is no longer possible. I think emerging churches realize this conflict more than other churches in my experience. Just a thought....
"...do we realize when the gospel is put in a straighjacket due to cultural norms?"
Great question, unfortunately I think the answer is too often negative. However, once in awhile God uses a few ordinary people to wake us all up, to sharpen the dulled edges of the Gospel again.
I think many churches are unknowingly straighjacketed by cultural norm. The obvious one is mega-churches and the 'product' of God. However, I feel you might be underestimating prophetic voices that speak against this Power. I am sure every community/city has at least one. I think many emerging people with the help of Walter Wink are realizing how culture hinders the gospel.
Well Joey hope life is well...
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