Friday, March 09, 2007

The Black Jesus....

I tend to enjoy watching movies that portray Jesus. I find it interesting how media portrays Jesus for better or worse I find these portrayals interesting. Recently, I watch 'The Color of the Cross', a movies depicting Jesus as a black man. I would say this movie is interesting, not overly entertaining or even well acted, particularly the Jesus character. Still the movie is interesting if you have any interest in the subject of Jesus / early church. It was cheesy how Jesus spouted well known verses throughout the movie, also interesting how Jesus and the twelve were hiding from the Romans. I think the most interesting part of the movie are the disciples, they are more like Robin Hoods' Band of Merry Men, then Jesus followers. Actually, the disciples make the movie worthwhile. Purely for the dynamics of those men, who really if it had not been for them and early followers of Jesus what would Christianity look like or would there even be a Christianity with these 'twelve' and Paul. An interesting movie nonetheless. Gave a great example of what the New Testament understands as 'family', very worth while if you can get beyond the bad acting, set design, script, etc. Happy viewing.

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