Friday, December 08, 2006

Where do you sit on the Evangometer?

Well you might be wonder what a 'Evangometer' is..and asking why is Chris making up words. Actually, I found the word in an article 'An evangelical body, broken for you . . . into six convenient types' by Anna Bowen found in the recent issue of Geez Magazine( An 'evangometer' is tells how evangelical you are. This is an interesting point as in the last couple years the word evangelical has become harder to define.

I feel Bowen does a good job. I have a couple of interesting points. Under Liberal Evangelicals she puts Rick Warren, C.S. Lewis, and Bono. Wow that is quite a contrast of people..first off don't think anyone has called Warren a liberal before, but i have realized he has been critized by the religious right for his involvement in Africa with a AIDS pandemic. The other interesting point is that both Bono and Lewis are really controversial. Bono some think is a universalist, and one of those people that evangelicals revere..but as Brian McLaren pointed out in his brillant book 'A New Kind of Christain' that people sometimes don't want to hear it in a sermon.

The other interesting point is the 'emergent evangelical' first off..i am impressed that Bowen put the emergetn type relevtively high on the evangometer. But i have no idea what the Vintage Church is. I feel i am fairly fluent in emergent lingo..and have yet to come across this term. But all in all i feel that Bowen assess the group fairly.

But, my main criticsm for Bowen is to do with Christian Leftists. I think the people she lumps into this group is a bit rash. I feel the distinction she makes between the Christian Leftist and the Social Justice Folks. I guess my main disagreement is with her putting Jim Wallis and John Shelby Spong in the same group. Personally, i feel Wallis is a modern-day Prophet. I don't know what distinguishes him from the socail justice folk. So yeah..just a brief summary of the article..if you get a chance to pick up Geez, it is definately worth it...espeically if you feel uncomfortable in the conservative church...probably feel...i have found a home. Hope you enjoy...


Joey said...


Interesting article. In recent years I'm realizing that I've drifted quite far away from evangelicalism. I resonate very strongly with the Emergent conversation, but I wouldn't consider the core of it to be evangelical (McLaren, Pagitt, and Jones hardly seem like evangelicals to me). Apart from Emergent, I find myself more influenced by mainline, liberal Christians like Brueggemann, Borg, Crossan, Alan Jones, Walter Wink etc. I might fit into the far left of evangelicalism, but barely.

Another World is Possible said...


Yeah i am not so certain what an evangelical is anymore...probably haven't been one for ages. I think i am realizing that more each day.

But, i am pretty pumped to read some Wink and Borg in the new year. Espeically wink, i have only read other people quoting him..which really intrigues me. Well talk to you later...


lee said...

yeah, this comment definitely doesn't have anything to do with the post. figured you might enjoy a blast from the past...
--near beer
--rats chewing their legs off
--john spinning in the chair
--me running/weeping/crying/crawling out of rd meetings