Friday, December 01, 2006

Do you hear it....

Recently i had a chance to attend something called 'Hearing the Silence' at providence college. It was an event that was put on by St. Benedict Table. The event is based that "at the heart of Christian worship lies silence, and in that stillness we, like the prophet Elijah before us, learn to attend to the power of the still, small voice."

I think i have been drawn to silence and stillness more and more over the last couples years. I find the power that lies with in silence penetrates my soul. The space created by silence I believe is a place where God can speak to us. In Rob Bell' Nooma video 'Noise' ..he identifies with this silence. "Does my schedule , my time, my life look like that of a person who wants to hear God's voice." I think this is a dilemma. We live in a world that tells us we need to be busy doing things...while Jesus constantly took time to be still before God. Do the actions of Jesus lead us towards reorienting our Life around our savior...and listening to our creator?

Is there a trend in our world that emphasises doing over being. Like our worth is found in what we do not who we are? One of the most profound times in my life is when i was still before God...not knowing where my life was going..almost feeling like i was aimlessly i walked a long the white cliffs in Dover..not talking..not thinking..just being...I heard God' voice. God spoke in a way..that penetrated my deeply that all i can do was cry. Be in the presence of God. Knowing that was enough. I think in my life i struggle with that...idea..having to do stuff..fill my life with gain 'worth' in God's eyes...but i am constantly reminded that this is not the case.

Just want to close with what the essence of this time is...and actually what i feel every time i go to St. Benedict's...i feel they create commune with the Holy God....
The quiet, contemplative singing of Biblical texts
is a kind of centering prayer.
Often the text of a song will be sung repetitively in order to let
the words sink into out minds and then out hearts

We are freed in this kind of worship
to still our hearts and appreciate the presence of
the living God in the midst of His people.
We gather to enjoy the presence of
the Blessed Trinity
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The incense is an outward and visible sign of the
prayers of God's people ascending
to His heavenly throne.
Icons are used in the eastern Christian tradition
as windows which point beyond themselves
to the transcendence of the Holy Trinity.

Let God speak to your hearts this day.

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