Friday, January 23, 2009

The Mystery of Christ..& why we don't get it..

I have just started reading The Mystery of Christ. Jaime Howison, the priest at St. Ben's, quotes this book and other references from Robert Capon on a fairly regular basis so I figure it would be a worthwhile endeavor.  I am only two chapters into the book and am intrigued at his idea that a lot of theology(by this I mean very broadly a persons understanding of God, which every person has) is based on what he calls transactional. This idea creates a bad model to understand God, because it is based on the idea that salvation or forgiveness of sins is enacted by something we do.

This will appear to be similar to a works based system that to a degree Martin Luther reacted against. I imagine that that many in the protestant/evangelical circles would applaud, but the problem is that the idea of our actions are the basis of the forgiveness of sins is a very evangelical. That is why protestant emphasis the sinners pray(not an idea found in the bible) as important. What is at the core of this question is does our pray change the fact that Jesus died for all the sins of the world on the cross. Capon, with whom I agree, says that our sins have been forgiven and our works (ie. a prayer) does not change that fact. Dallas Willard in his excellent book The Divine Conspiracy talks about how many in the evangelical world are simply involved in "Sin Management" that at its root has guilt as a  motivating factor.

Naturally the obvious question then if our sins have already been forgiven what does it matter. Capon explains the situation as such what if you are told that a million dollars have been put under your house. "One one level, I have given you a piece of sensationally good news: you are the possessor of a million bucks, no conditions attached, no danger of my reneging on the gift. And if you trust me--That is, if you go to your property and start turning over flat rocks--  you will sooner or later actually be able to relate to the millions I so kindly gave you. But note something crucial. Your faith (your trust) does not earn you the money, nor does it con me into giving it to you: the money was your s all along just because I was crazy enough to bury it in your backyard. Your faith, you see , is in  no way the cause of the gift; the only thing it can possible have any causal connection with is your own enjoyment of the gift."

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