Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why I love Bright Eyes...

Well in November Trisha and I went to see Bright Eyes, the concert was amazing!!!! The band played for almost 90 minutes. I've been thinking a lot lately why I enjoy his music so much. A lot of the songs are cynical and jaded, which I don't think I am. I think my life has taken me to a place where Christian music is dishonest to real emotions and life experiences. To listen to CCM music is like everyone is on cloud nine with their hands raised and no worries about life or what is going on in the universe.

I think the reason I like him so much is that I see lots of how I view life in his songs. I think my main difference is that I had loving parents and a somewhat positive experience of church/ministry growing up. I am not sure I would be a Christian if I didn't have those experiences. I think for a long time I have felt out of place in the church, many times I heard if I don't love the church I don't love Jesus. Somehow that hurts, since the church can do whatever she wants without being held responsible for anything.

Bright Eyes allow for honesty and truthfulness of life that can't always be explained away by slogans or reciting verses. Bright Eyes has beauty, honesty, and passion..all the parts of creation I see and would like to emulate in life.

With all my critics of the Church I must admit that many of my struggles with the Church is really with a stream of the Church I was brought up in, but those years are over. I now belong to a community that does not suppress questions, simplify following Jesus, or even believe in the after life the way i was taught.

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