Sunday, February 11, 2007

'Our' God as idol.

I think whenever someone mentions idol, I think of worshiping something other than God. I am realizing while this is an idol, do we worship our understanding of God. Do we believe we really got it all figured out. Is anyone capable of figuring God out? I think our minds will never grasp God fully, due to God's otherness. Not that this means we stop talking about God, but that we stop talking about God in way that we've got it all figured out. Are we not involved in idol worship when we stubbornly view our understanding of God as right.

Maybe this would be a good time for repentance of our iconic view of God.

'Lord, we offer up our images of you, acknowledging that while they are important, you stand over and above all our understanding. In love and faithfulness we offer you these fragments as we recognize the poverty of our understanding before the wealth of your presence. Amen.'(taken from "How (Not) To Speak Of God)

1 comment:

Joey said...

Great quote...I really should read this book!