Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Are you a PoMo Hater?

Sometimes I wonder why post modernity riles so many people up. I guess for the most part people love it or hate it..maybe thats due to a elementary view of what it stands for. I think I've read my fair share of post modern philosophy and still only grasp little parts of what they believe and the influence they are having on western culture. I think it is mostly in the church that people are against this shift. I always think its funny that so many in the church want to fight this change in worldviews. I think Chuck Smith Jr says it best, "Some Christians are deathly afraid of the new world and stand at every gate to prevent its entrance. But you might as well stand in front of a tidal wave with your arms spread wide. Besides, the new era is not coming; it's here." So my pastor basically went on a 'PoMo hater' rant this sunday, he did warn us before hand that he was gonna go on a rant. Not sure what the he expected to get out of it....I wonder if christian leaders did the same thing during other cultural shifts? Did pastor rant about the downfall of reason as something to be ignored during the enlightenment...or during the rise of modernity? I believe we need to look at culture with open eyes...and be a critic of culture not simple ignore it...or worse try and fight the shifts that take place...


Joey said...

Nope, I'm not a pomo hater!

I think you're right Chris, postmodernity is a fact, not an option. The only real option is how we are going to respond to a changing world.

JohnnyJ said...

I think if we look at church history, there is some real "haters". I'm reminded of what Yancey wrote about his church during the time of Martin Luther King Jr., and just how wrong their response is. Hindsight is always 20/20 I guess; but it makes you wonder what group we are doing that to now....