Sunday, September 17, 2006

Why we do what we do....

So in this past week, I had a class where we talked about our times in high school and the events in youth that really influenced us. The funny thing about it is that all the events were 'fun' events. None of them really had this deep theological basis. I think that is revealing, not that youth ministry is in place to entertain or be the activities coordinator for church kids but I do believe that it does play a purpose. Recently, I ran across this quote that rung really true in why we have fun events, there is a greater purpose to youth ministry. "When youth ministry draws its primary energy from special events, cool leaders, and high-voltage youth gathering more than from the long tradition of practices through which youth identify with the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, we communicate a version of faith that has no analogy in the adult church--or in real life, for that matter.' I think often ministry become overly focused on the highs of energy that is merely a fun event not an event where we see Jesus in our leaders or the reason why we do things. I think that in putting an emphasis on these events is at the root why many teens leave the church after high school, we are no longer the only game in town. They can be entertained through over means. I think a shift needs to take place inorder that youth group is not a holding pen for teens, but a stepping stone to becoming more involved in the church, if it is not seen within the paradigm of discipleship it is bound to fail, due to its temporal nature. I guess that is why a big picture is necessary when ministry focuses on proper behavior or niceness, it is not creating a Christian idenity but a middle class identity, which allows the teens to leave when this idenity is fulfilled. What do are actions in ministry communicate to youth?

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